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Apple Federal Credit Union

Transforming Collection Operations Through Seamless Integration


As a trusted integration partner, Tangenesis collaborated with Apple Federal Credit Union (AFCU), a distinguished financial institution with $4 billion in assets. AFCU faced a critical challenge in integrating its Temenos collection software with TalkDesk, the chosen auto-dialer provider, resulting in operational inefficiencies within their collections process.


  • Lack of automated processes for dispatching accounts to the auto-dialer.

  • Difficulty integrating results back into the collection platform for comprehensive tracking.

  • Challenges in preventing multiple calls to a member in a single day.

  • Absence of robust reporting tools for assessing the effectiveness of collection attempts.



Working closely with Apple FCU and TalkDesk, Tangenesis provided strategic options. Leveraging our expertise in Temenos' collection software, we suggested precise configurations within Apple's system, ensuring a seamless integration that would address their specific challenges.


Implementation Timeline:

From conceptualization to execution, the project was efficiently completed within two months.


  • Call Volume: The integrated system handled approximately 7,000+ calls during its first month of operation.

  • Operational Efficiency: Representatives now have easy access to client collection history, avoiding multiple calls and enabling informed decision-making.



Beyond the metrics, the integration liberated Apple FCU's team, allowing them to focus on assisting members in financial hardships and aligning with their commitment to excellent member service.

This success story, proudly presented on the Tangenesis website, highlights how our tailored integration solutions elevate operational standards for financial institutions. The refined, automated collection process aligns seamlessly with AFCU's commitment to excellence in member-centric financial services.

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